VRChat - The Must-Try Experience for Otaku Fans

VRchat is an environment created for those who have virtual reality (VR) glasses and want to make friends in a virtual environment. Fortunately, anyone with or without VR can access this chat/game and enjoy its numerous interactions and mini-games. In this article, we are going to talk about the VRChar which has now become a real home for the otakus and gamers.

VRChat was released for free on Steam on Feb 1, 2017 for windows and RIFT glasses and HTC Vive. The Game/Social Network allows you to create and mold a character and enter an online environment to chat and interact through voice chat, messages, gestures and emojis.

VRChat features various minigames such as tennis, bowling, capture the flag, and disc throwing, as well as interactions like dancing, restaurants, and stand-up. The game is open and allows anyone to create their own games, providing endless game modes and interactions.

Vrchat - the experience that all otakus will want

VRChat - The home of Otakus and Gamers

The game is very funny because it allows players to create their own character skin (models) to use. Upon entering the game you will come across several characters from anime, games and other iconic. A full plate for those who have always dreamed of flirting with their waifus in virtual reality.

VRChat is also a gigantic source of meme and banter. One of the main memes that spread across VR chat was a bunch of users wearing a weird Knuckles skin (from sonic) asking in an African accent “do you know the way?” (Do you know the way?).

As it is a free and unregulated game, you can encounter many conversations and unpleasant things. Despite the team's efforts to supervise the created skins, it is still possible to find such things... You can find various joke videos within VR chat. Let's leave a random one below:

Playing VR Chat is a unique experience that you have to experience. Have you ever had this chance to experience it even without VR? What was your experience on VRChat? We appreciate the comments and shares. We also recommend reading:

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