Should I or should I not create a blog or website?


Per Kevin

Many people are generating money through websites and blogs, this is a true fact! The big problem is that people have no idea that for this to happen they need a good team and organization. In this article, we'll understand whether or not it's worth creating a blog or website, whether it's about anime, games, Japan or something else that interests you.

I personally have great difficulty and do practically everything myself, but I have already learned about marketing, SEO, php, wordpress, html and things related to the internet. It took me about 2 years to get Suki Desu on the top pages of google for thousands of keywords. I still think I have a long way to go, and I know that alone I can't fight this fight.

Should I or should I not create a blog or website?

Why shouldn't I set up a blog or website?

I know that many want to create a blog just for leisure and fun, without any goal of profit or responsibility. I personally think this is a waste of time, because sites that don't receive daily updates and with shallow content, are practically ghosts on google. Nobody reads, and you'll be writing for the wind.

Even more in this generation of people who are lazy to read, and prefer to watch videos on youtube. The 2008 era of blogging where they swapped banners and wrote anything to get on Google is over. The search engine is getting smarter and giving positions only to sites with a good layout, speed, minimalist and with texts over 500 words.

Not to mention that it is practically impossible to beat the champions that are at the top of google, not even I know how I managed to achieve this feat in some subjects on the site. Practically every day I focus on writing an article of 900 words, if not at least 300. I wish I could do more, publish news, improve the social media audience, etc.

If you just want to write for fun, why not try writing on our website? We need copywriters and your content will be visible to thousands of people, you can get a lot more results with that. Over time you gain the skill and experience necessary to create your own business if you want something more profitable.

Should I or should I not create a blog or website?

What does it take to make a blog or website?

If you still want to create a website and profit from it in the future, stay tuned for the following tips and trivia:

Stay away from Blogger - Google blogs are for people who do not want to grow, you will be limited, you can lose your blog at any time, in addition to not having full autonomy of the site.

website is work – People think making money writing on a website is easy, but I would say it's stressful and difficult, even more than a secular 8/5 job.

learn first – Before entering the world of the internet without knowing what to do, study everything about SEO, wordpress, hosting and things needed to make a successful website.

Visits do not generate profit - I receive more than 200,000 visits per month and I can't even generate 500 reais. Fortunately, there is another option to profit besides visits, which are sales.

Beware of CopyRight – Don't even think about taking google images or copying texts, this doesn't generate profit and can cause problems.

try to innovate – Although there is competition in all niches, there is room for everyone. Especially if you try to be different from others, don't follow the herd.

Should I or should I not create a blog or website?

Where can I learn how to make a successful website?

To create a successful website, it is not enough to go crazy! You need to learn the techniques and the best way to get to success quickly without wasting time. People say: Time is money, that's true! With money you also save time and earn more money. That's why we recommend that you don't be afraid to make investments, especially in knowledge.

We've separated some courses below that can help you learn many things about creating a website! We ask that you review each one carefully and choose the ones you like best. Remembering that no course is miraculous, they just teach you everything you need to know, then you must apply it to get results.

Online Business Formula – One of the most popular courses on the internet, it will teach you not only how to create your website, but how to profit from it and other means on the internet. Unfortunately, there are thousands of popular sites that don't even make your daily bread, that's because they have no idea how to work. Click to see details of the Online Business formula and download free content

Below we will leave other Udemy courses that I recommend:

This article is kind of old, it was here in the drafts of my website and finally I decided to publish it and I didn't find other more specific recommendations for blogs. I hope you liked it, when I have time I'll cover more about this subject on another site.

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