Regras de One Piece War

On this page, we will share the rules of the One Piece board game in WAR style.

Objective of the Game

The objective of the game is to reach Laugh Tale and conquer the One Piece. To achieve this goal, the player needs to possess the 4 Poneglyphs and have a Poneglyph reader in the Crew (present on the boat) arriving at the final island Lode Star to set sail to Laugh Tale.

How does the game start?

The game starts by distributing all territory cards among the players. There is an option to leave the territories ownerless to be conquered, but it is a very time-consuming process.

The Poneglyphs are distributed among the players; if there are more than 4 players, the Poneglyph readers are included in this distribution.

Each player is dealt the number of territory cards plus 5 in hand, and each player must place a character in each desired territory to defend it during the first turn.

Rules and Limits

  • At the end of each turn, the player takes a crew member from the deck if they have conquered a territory.
  • Each player can only have a maximum of 10 cards in hand. If they want to draw from the deck, they need to discard a card.
  • It takes 1 card to move a square on the map. This card can be reused in the next turn.
  • The maximum amount of data allowed in an attack or defense is 6;
  • Defense cards can only be placed or swapped if you are on the island;

Crew Members' Letters

Each crew member card has a special colored background with a described action; this action can help you achieve your goal. The types of cards have orange, blue, and green backgrounds.

Battles against Islands

Each island has its card, upon arriving there you must battle for the territory, you can use at most two cards from your hand, the actions of the blue background cards cannot be used together with an attack, when using a blue card action, the card cannot enter battle that turn.

Yellow Data - The island can defend with the number of yellow dice present on the island and on the card that defends the island together with the dice present on the Poneglyph card. If the higher number of both is a tie, then the defense wins.

Red Data - The attack can use a maximum of two cards in the same attack; it is necessary to roll a number greater than the defense. In case of a tie, the victory goes to the defense, but if you have a higher number of dice in the tie, then the victory goes to the attack.

Battles against Ships

When coming into contact with a Ship, a battle occurs, so you need to choose two of your cards to battle. Whoever loses, loses one of their cards used in the attack or defense. The same rules of a draw in defense, or of the number of dice with equal quantity being greater applies in this battle.