Translation and Meaning of: 西 - nishi

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 西 (nishi) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: nishi

Kana: にし

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n5


Translation / Meaning: West

Meaning in English: west

Definition: West: The direction opposite to east.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (西) nishi

The Japanese word 「西」 (nishi) means "west" and is used to indicate a geographical direction. This kanji belongs to the Sino-Japanese writing system and has its roots in ancient Chinese. The word 「西」 is often seen in geographical names, such as cities and regions, in addition to being used in more abstract and symbolic contexts, such as in cultural or artistic expressions.

The etymology of the kanji 「西」 reveals its visual origins; it was originally a pictogram representing a bird's nest, symbolizing the time of day when birds return to the nest, that is, sunset, associated with the west. In terms of structure, this kanji is composed of six strokes and does not have more complex radicals or additional components, making it relatively simple compared to other more ornate kanjis.

In the cultural context, the west 「西」 can have various connotations in Japan. Historically, the west was associated with the Pure Land of Buddhism, a mythical region that represents paradise. In traditional Japanese architecture, temples were often oriented to the east to ensure a safe return to the Pure Land in the west after death. Additionally, in modern language, compound words that use 「西」 generally refer to locations such as 「西洋」 (seiyou), which means "the West" or "the Western world."

In addition to the geographical and cultural context, 「西」 also appears in various linguistic variations, enriching the Japanese vocabulary. For example, the word 「西風」 (nishikaze) refers to the west wind, while 「西日」 (nishibi) describes the light of the setting sun. These words demonstrate the versatility of the kanji and how it can be combined with other kanjis to provide specific meanings.

Thus, although 「西」 (nishi) may seem like a simple word, its rich history and various applications in the Japanese language make it an essential component of both language and culture. Understanding its nuances and origins offers a unique insight into how space and time are perceived and expressed in Japan. Therefore, this word is not just a geographical indication, but also a window into a deeper understanding of Japanese tradition and thought.

How to Write in Japanese - (西) nishi

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (西) nishi:

Synonyms and similar words

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "West: The direction opposite to east." in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "West" é "(西) nishi".

Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. "(西) nishi":

  • 西 (Nishi) - West
  • 西部 (Seibu) - Western part of a region
  • 西方 (Seihō) - West direction
  • 西洋 (Seiyō) - West (referring to the Western world)
  • 西側 (Nishigawa) - West side
  • 西向き (Nishimuki) - Directed to the west
  • 西向け (Nishimuke) - Facing west
  • 西の (Nishi no) - From the west
  • 西の方向に (Nishi no hōkō ni) - To the west
  • 西方向に (Nishihōkō ni) - To the west direction
  • 西へ (Nishi e) - To the west
  • 西へ向かう (Nishi e mukau) - Head west
  • 西への (Nishi e no) - Towards the west
  • 西への方向に (Nishi e no hōkō ni) - To the west
  • 西へ進む (Nishi e susumu) - Advance to the west
  • 西に (Nishi ni) - In the west
  • 西に向かう (Nishi ni mukau) - Turn to the west
  • 西に進む (Nishi ni susumu) - Progress to the west
  • 西の方 (Nishi no hō) - Western side
  • 西方面 (Nishi hōmen) - West Area
  • 西側面 (Nishi sokumen) - Western surface
  • 西部地域 (Seibu chiiki) - Western region
  • 西部州 (Seibu shū) - Western state
  • 西部地方 (Seibu chihō) - Western zone
  • 西部地帯 (Seibu chitai) - Western area
  • 西部地域の (Seibu chiiki no) - From the western region
  • 西部の (Seibu no) - western
  • 西部の州 (Seibu no shū) - State of the West
  • 西部の地域 (Seibu no chiiki) - West Area
  • 西部の地方 (Seibu no chihō) - West region
  • 西部の地帯 (Seibu no chitai) - Western corridor
  • 西の地域 (Nishi no chiiki) - West region
  • 西の地方 (Nishi no chihō) - West Zone


Words related to: 西

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: にしび

Romaji: nishibi


Westering Sun


Kana: とうざい

Romaji: touzai


East and West; All country; orientation and western; your attention, please


Kana: せいれき

Romaji: seireki


He was Christian; Anno Domini (A.D.)


Kana: せいよう

Romaji: seiyou


the west; western countries


Kana: かんさい

Romaji: kansai


Kansai (southwest half of Japan including Osaka)

Kana: あずま

Romaji: azuma


east; east japan


Kana: ようふう

Romaji: youfuu


western style


Kana: ほうがく

Romaji: hougaku


direction; path; compass point


Kana: ねんごう

Romaji: nengou


name of an era; year number

Kana: なん

Romaji: nan



Words with the same pronunciation: にし nishi

Example Sentences - (西) nishi

Below are some example sentences:


Tōzai ni hirogaru keshiki wa utsukushii desu

The landscape that extends from east to west is beautiful.

The scenario that spreads the east and west is beautiful.

  • 東西 - means "east-west".
  • に - Title that indicates direction or location.
  • 広がる - verb meaning "to spread" or "to extend".
  • 景色 - noun meaning "landscape" or "view".
  • は - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence.
  • 美しい - adjective meaning "beautiful" or "beautiful".
  • です - verb that indicates the polite and courteous way of stating something.


Yuugureji no nishibi ga utsukushii desu

The west sun of the west is beautiful during twilight.

West day at dusk is beautiful.

  • 夕暮れ時 - moment of dusk
  • の - particle indicating possession or relationship
  • 西日 - sunlight that strikes from the west
  • が - particle that indicates subject
  • 美しい - pretty
  • です - verb ser/estar in the present


Nishiyō no bunka ni kyōmi ga arimasu

I am interested in Western culture.

  • 西洋 - It means "West" in Japanese, referring to Western culture.
  • の - possession particle in Japanese
  • 文化 - It means "culture" in Japanese.
  • に - target particle in Japanese
  • 興味 - It means "interest" in Japanese.
  • が - subject particle in Japanese
  • あります - verb "to have" in Japanese, indicating interest in Western culture


Nishi Nihon wa utsukushii desu

The west of Japan is beautiful.

West of Japan is beautiful.

  • 西日本 - West Japan
  • は - Topic particle
  • 美しい - Utsukushii (Bonito)
  • です - Desu (To be - linking verb

Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun
