Translation and Meaning of: 荷物 - nimotsu

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 荷物 (nimotsu) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: nimotsu

Kana: にもつ

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n5


Translation / Meaning: Baggage

Meaning in English: luggage

Definition: Items transported or packaged during trips or moves.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (荷物) nimotsu

The Japanese word 「荷物」, pronounced "nimotsu", is commonly used in everyday life to refer to luggage, packages, or deliveries. Its etymology can be divided into two parts: the first kanji 「荷」, which means cargo or merchandise, and the second kanji 「物」, which refers to a thing or object. Together, the kanjis form a term that suggests something to be carried — a combination of cargo and object.

The kanji 「荷」 has its roots in traditional references, generally associated with the idea of carrying or transporting goods. It is often used in other contexts related to cargo, such as 柴荷 (shige) which means a load of twigs. The 「物」, in turn, is a common kanji, found in several words, such as 動物 (doubutsu) which means animal, literally "a moving object". The etymological root of these kanjis reflects the practical function of the word 「荷物」: something that is transported.

The term「荷物」is a quite versatile word in the Japanese language, used to denote any item that can be carried or transported, ranging from travel suitcases to postal packages. In the context of travel, various expressions and terms derive from「荷物」, such as 荷物を預かる (nimotsu wo azukaru) which means to store luggage, or 荷物を失くす (nimotsu wo nakusu), which means to lose luggage. This broad usage reflects the importance and omnipresence of the concepts of cargo and transport in Japanese culture and society.

In addition, 「荷物」 plays an important role in tourism and domestic transportation in Japan. The country is known for its efficient baggage transport system, where services like "takuhaibin" allow travelers to send their luggage directly from one location to another with ease, using terms related to 「荷物」. This convenience not only enriches the travel experience but also demonstrates the practical relevance of the word in everyday life.

How to Write in Japanese - (荷物) nimotsu

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (荷物) nimotsu:

Synonyms and similar words

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "Items transported or packaged during trips or moves." in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "Baggage" é "(荷物) nimotsu".

Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. "(荷物) nimotsu":

  • 荷物 (にもつ) - Luggage or personal items
  • 貨物 (かもつ) - Commercial cargo, usually in large quantities
  • 積荷 (つみに) - Loading, generally referring to what has been loaded onto a vehicle
  • パッケージ (ぱっけーじ) - Package or packaging, often used in the context of products


Words related to: 荷物

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: にづくり

Romaji: nidukuri


packaging; caraceiro; carriage

Kana: に

Romaji: ni


charge; baggage; loading


Kana: つつみ

Romaji: tsutsumi


package; package; order; burden


Kana: こづつみ

Romaji: kodutsumi




Kana: かもつ

Romaji: kamotsu


charge; freight

Words with the same pronunciation: にもつ nimotsu

Example Sentences - (荷物) nimotsu

Below are some example sentences:


Kurago ni wa takusan no nimotsu ga arimasu

There are many suitcases in the warehouse.

  • 倉庫 (souko) - storage
  • に (ni) - preposition indicating location
  • は (wa) - topic particle
  • たくさん (takusan) - many
  • の (no) - possession particle
  • 荷物 (nimotsu) - luggage, cargo
  • が (ga) - subject particle
  • あります (arimasu) - verb "to have"


Unsō gyōsha ni nimotsu o azukemashita

I left my luggage with the carrier.

  • 運送業者 - carrier
  • に - particle indicating the recipient of the action
  • 荷物 - luggage, cargo
  • を - particle indicating the direct object of the action
  • 預けました - deposited, delivered


Kuruma ni nimotsu wo noseru

Put luggage in the car.

Put your luggage in the car.

  • 車 (kuruma) - car
  • に (ni) - particle indicating the object of the action
  • 荷物 (nimotsu) - luggage, cargo
  • を (wo) - particle indicating the direct object of the action
  • 載せる (noseru) - place, carry


Nimotsu ga kasumu

Baggage is piling up.

Baggage increases.

  • 荷物 - means "luggage" or "hand luggage".
  • が - particle that indicates the subject of the sentence.
  • 嵩む - verb meaning "to increase in volume" or "to become voluminous".


Kono nimotsu no mihodo wa dono kurai desu ka?

How's that luggage eye?

  • この荷物 - "this package"
  • の - possessive particle
  • 目方 - "peso"
  • は - topic particle
  • どのくらい - "how much"
  • ですか - interrogative particle


Kono nimotsu wa karui desu

This luggage is light.

  • この - indicates proximity, in this case, "this"
  • 荷物 - means "luggage"
  • は - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence, in this case, "about"
  • 軽い - adjective meaning "light"
  • です - verb "to be" in polite form


Kono nimotsu no jūryō wa dono kurai desu ka?

What is the weight of this luggage?

  • この - demonstrative "this"
  • 荷物 - noun "luggage"
  • の - possessive particle "of"
  • 重量 - noun "weight"
  • は - topic particle "about"
  • どのくらい - adverb "quanto"
  • ですか - verb "to be" in the polite way of asking


Kono nimotsu wa omoi desu

This bag is heavy.

  • この - demonstrative pronoun meaning "this"
  • 荷物 - noun meaning "luggage" or "heavy baggage"
  • は - particle indicating the topic of the sentence, in this case, "this luggage"
  • 重い - adjective meaning "heavy"
  • です - verb "to be" in polite form


Kono nimotsu wa omotai desu

This bag is heavy.

  • この - demonstrative pronoun meaning "this"
  • 荷物 - noun meaning "luggage"
  • は - topic particle indicating that "this luggage" is the subject of the sentence
  • 重たい - adjective meaning "heavy"
  • です - verb "to be" in polite form


Kare wa omoi nimotsu wo katsugu koto ga dekiru

He is able to carry heavy objects.

He can carry heavy luggage.

  • 彼 (kare) - He (personal pronoun)
  • は (wa) - Topic particle
  • 重い (omoi) - Heavy (adjective)
  • 荷物 (nimotsu) - Luggage, cargo (noun)
  • を (wo) - Direct Object Particle
  • 担ぐ (katsugu) - To carry on one's back, to bear (verb)
  • こと (koto) - Thing, fact (noun)
  • が (ga) - Subject particle
  • できる (dekiru) - Be able to, achieve (verb)

Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun


Kana: すがた

Romaji: sugata


figure; form; appearance


Kana: はなみ

Romaji: hanami


Cherry flower visualization; Flower Visualization


Kana: ねばり

Romaji: nebari


adherence; viscosity
