Translation and Meaning of: 盛る - sakaru
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 盛る (sakaru) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: sakaru
Kana: さかる
Type: verb
L: jlpt-n2
Translation / Meaning: thrive; flourish; Copular (animals)
Meaning in English: to prosper;to flourish;to copulate (animals)
Definition: To stack ingredients, seasonings, etc. on foods or dishes.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (盛る) sakaru
"盛る" is a Japanese word that can be translated as "fill", "stack", "decorate" or "serve". The word is composed of the kanji 盛 (which means "full" or "abundant") and る (which is a verbal suffix that indicates action). The etymological origin of the word dates back to the Heian period (794-1185) and is related to the act of preparing and serving food at banquets. Nowadays, the word is used in various contexts, from cooking to decoration and organization of objects.How to Write in Japanese - (盛る) sakaru
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (盛る) sakaru:
Verbal conjugation of 盛る
See below a small list of verb conjugations: 盛る (sakaru)
- 盛る - Base dictionary form
- 盛り - Affirmative imperative form
- 盛らない - Present negative form
- 盛ります - Polite affirmative form
- 盛って - Te-form for sentence continuation
How do you say thrive; flourish; Copular (animals) In japanese?
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "thrive; flourish; Copular (animals)" in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "thrive; flourish; Copular (animals)" é "(盛る) sakaru".
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
積む; 重ねる; 詰める; 盛り付ける; 満たす; 埋める; 増やす; 蓄積する
Words related to: 盛る
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: もえる
Romaji: moeru
Words with the same pronunciation: さかる sakaru
Example Sentences - (盛る) sakaru
Below are some example sentences:
Other words of the same type: verb
See other words from our dictionary that are also: verb