Translation and Meaning of: 日常 - nichijyou

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 日常 (nichijyou) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: nichijyou

Kana: にちじょう

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n3


Translation / Meaning: common; regular; every day; usual

Meaning in English: ordinary;regular;everyday;usual

Definition: daily life and daily events.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (日常) nichijyou

The expression 「日常」 (nichijou) is quite common in the Japanese language and encompasses the concept of "everyday" or "daily life." Etymologically, the word is composed of two kanji: 「日」 (nichi), which means "day" or "sun," and 「常」 (jou), which represents "constancy" or "normality." Together, they convey the idea of activities or events that occur regularly and routinely.

In Japanese culture, the term 「日常」 is often associated with the little things that make up a person's everyday life, such as work, home, and daily social interactions. It is common in anime and manga, where stories may focus more on the daily activities of their characters, rather than grand adventures or missions. This offers an intimate and often comforting view of ordinary life.

Interestingly, 「日常」 also carries a philosophical weight. In a world where we are often driven to seek extraordinary experiences, valuing the day-to-day, the moments, and the routine tasks is something that can provide satisfaction and contentment. This expression reminds us that beauty and importance can be found in the common and frequent things of life.

Moreover, variations of the word, such as 「日常生活」 (nichijou seikatsu), meaning "everyday life," and 「日常茶飯事」 (nichijou sahamji), a term for "everyday occurrence" or "a trivial incident," are regularly used in Japanese vocabulary. These expressions reinforce the ubiquity of the concept of the everyday in Japanese culture and language, highlighting its nuances and applicability in different contexts.

How to Write in Japanese - (日常) nichijyou

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (日常) nichijyou:

Synonyms and similar words

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "daily life and daily events." in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "common; regular; every day; usual" é "(日常) nichijyou".

Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. "(日常) nichijyou":

  • 日常生活 (Nichijou seikatsu) - Everyday life
  • 日々 (Hibi) - Days; often used to refer to the everyday.
  • 日常的な (Nichijouteki na) - Common to everyday life; habitual.
  • 普段の (Fudan no) - Routine; something that happens normally.
  • 平常の (Heijou no) - Normal; refers to the usual or common state.
  • 日課 (Nikka) - Daily activities; routine tasks.
  • 日々の暮らし (Hibi no kurashi) - Daily life; way of living day by day.
  • 日々の生活 (Hibi no seikatsu) - Daily life; similar to 日常生活, but emphasizes continuity through the days.
  • 日常生活の (Nichijou seikatsu no) - Related to everyday life.
  • 日常生活に必要な (Nichijou seikatsu ni hitsuyou na) - Essential for everyday life.
  • 日常生活に欠かせない (Nichijou seikatsu ni kakasenai) - Essential for everyday life.
  • 日常生活に密着した (Nichijou seikatsu ni micchaku shita) - Intimately connected to everyday life.
  • 日常生活を送る (Nichijou seikatsu o okuru) - Lead an everyday life.
  • 日常生活を支える (Nichijou seikatsu o sasaeru) - Sustaining everyday life.
  • 日常生活を彩る (Nichijou seikatsu o irodoru) - Coloring everyday life; making it more vibrant.
  • 日常生活を豊かにする (Nichijou seikatsu o yutakani suru) - Enriching everyday life.
  • 日常生活を取り巻く (Nichijou seikatsu o torimaku) - Searching for everyday life; aspects that involve daily life.
  • 日常生活を充実させる (Nichijou seikatsu o juujitsu saseru) - Enriching or enhancing everyday life.
  • 日常生活を楽しむ (Nichijou seikatsu o tanoshimu) - Appreciate everyday life.
  • 日常生活を快適にする (Nichijou seikatsu o kaiteki ni suru) - Making everyday life more comfortable.
  • 日常生活を向上させる (Nichijou seikatsu o koujou saseru) - Improving everyday life.
  • 日常生活を改善する (Nichijou seikatsu o kaizen suru) - Make improvements in everyday life.
  • 日常生活を守る (Nichijou seikatsu o mamoru) - Protecting everyday life.


Words related to: 日常

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: よてい

Romaji: yotei


plans; arrangement; timeline; program; expectation; I estimated


Kana: みのまわり

Romaji: minomawari


someone's personal appearance; personal belongings


Kana: へいじつ

Romaji: heijitsu


day of the week; ordinary days


Kana: へいじょう

Romaji: heijyou


normal; usual


Kana: ふだん

Romaji: fudan


generally; usually; normally; ever


Kana: ひび

Romaji: hibi


every day; daily; day after day


Kana: ひごろ

Romaji: higoro


normally; usually


Kana: のんびり

Romaji: nonbiri


Carefree; make yourself comfortable


Kana: にちようひん

Romaji: nichiyouhin


daily needs


Kana: にっか

Romaji: nika


daily lesson; daily work; daily routine

Words with the same pronunciation: にちじょう nichijyou

Example Sentences - (日常) nichijyou

Below are some example sentences:


Nanigenai nichijou ga shiawase da

I am happy with the Casual Daily Life.

  • 何気ない - "Nanigenai" means "insignificant" or "common".
  • 日常 - "Nichijou" means "everyday life" or "routine".
  • が - "Ga" is a grammatical particle that indicates the subject of the sentence.
  • 幸せ - "Shiawase" means "happiness" or "luck".
  • だ - "Da" is a grammatical particle that indicates the end of the sentence and that the statement is true.

Other words of the same type: noun

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