Translation and Meaning of: 数 - kazu

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 数 (kazu) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: kazu

Kana: かず

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n3

Translation / Meaning: number; figure

Meaning in English: number;figure

Definition: Kazu: A concept that can be accounted for based on mathematical expressions and concepts.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (数) kazu

数 (かず) is a Japanese word that means "number" or "amount". The word is made up of the kanji characters "数" which means "count" or "number". So, if we break down the kanji we have: ⼡ ふゆがしら Winter ⼥ おんな woman ⺙ ぼくづくり attack, blow. ⽶ こめ rice. The word 数 is used in several situations in the Japanese language, such as in mathematical expressions, counting objects, quantities of food, among others.

How to Write in Japanese - (数) kazu

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (数) kazu:

How do you say number; figure In japanese?

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "number; figure" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "number; figure" é "(数) kazu".

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

量; 数量; 分量; 数値; 数字; 算数; 算出; 計算; 計量; 計数; 計算量; 計量単位; 計数単位; 量数; 数える; 数う; 数え上げる; 数え切る; 数える; 数え上げる; 数え切る; 数え落とす; 数え出す; 数え取る; 数え分ける; 数え上がる; 数え上げる; 数え切る; 数え落とす; 数え出す; 数え取る; 数え分ける; 数え上がる; 数え上げる; 数え切る; 数え落とす; 数え出す; 数


Words related to:

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: むすう

Romaji: musuu


countless number; infinite number


Kana: まいすう

Romaji: maisuu


the number of flat things


Kana: ぶんすう

Romaji: bunsuu


fraction (in math)


Kana: ふくすう

Romaji: fukusuu


plural form; multiple


Kana: てんすう

Romaji: tensuu


brands; points; punctuation; executions; number of items; credits


Kana: てかず

Romaji: tekazu


number of moves; problem


Kana: たんすう

Romaji: tansuu


Single (number)


Kana: たすうけつ

Romaji: tasuuketsu


majority rule


Kana: せいすう

Romaji: seisuu




Kana: すうじ

Romaji: suuji


numeral; figure

Words with the same pronunciation: かず kazu

Example Sentences - (数) kazu

Below are some example sentences:


Sūgaku wa muzukashii desu

Math is hard.

  • 数学 (sūgaku) - Math
  • は (wa) - Topic particle
  • 難しい (muzukashii) - Hard
  • です (desu) - Verb ser/estar (polite form)


Warizan wa suugaku no kihonteki na keisan houhou desu

Division is a basic calculation method in mathematics.

Division is the basic calculation method in mathematics.

  • 割り算 - It means "division" in Japanese.
  • は - It is a TOPIC1TICLE particle indicating that "divisão" is the subject of the sentence.
  • 数学 - It means "mathematics" in Japanese.
  • の - It is a possessive particle indicating that "mathematics" is the owner of "division".
  • 基本的な - It means "basic" or "fundamental" in Japanese.
  • 計算方法 - means "calculation method" in Japanese.
  • です - It is a closing partic1E31Cle that indicates that the sentence is complete and formal.


Bunsuu wo keisan suru no wa muzukashii desu

Calculating fractions is difficult.

It is difficult to calculate fractions.

  • 分数 - means "fraction" in Japanese.
  • を - object particle.
  • 計算する - verb meaning "to calculate".
  • のは - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence.
  • 難しい - adjective meaning "difficult".
  • です - verb that indicates the polite form of "to be" or "to be" in Japanese.


Kahansū no hyō o kakutoku suru koto ga shōri no jōken desu

Gaining the most votes is a victory condition.

  • 過半数 - means "majority" in Japanese.
  • の - particle that indicates possession or relationship between words.
  • 票 - means "votes" in Japanese.
  • を - particle that indicates the direct object of the sentence.
  • 獲得する - verb meaning "to obtain" or "to conquer" in Japanese.
  • ことが - particle indicating that the previous verb is the subject of the sentence.
  • 勝利 - means "victory" in Japanese.
  • の - particle that indicates possession or relationship between words.
  • 条件 - means "condition" in Japanese.
  • です - verb "to be" in Japanese, indicating that the sentence is in the present tense and is affirmative.


Zero wa suuji no hitotsu desu

Zero is one of the numbers.

  • ゼロ - Zero
  • は - Article indicating the topic of the sentence
  • 数字 - number
  • の - possessive particle
  • 一つ - one
  • です - copulate indicating politeness


Mainasu no suuchi wa genshō shiteimasu

Negative numbers are decreasing.

  • マイナス - Japanese word meaning "negative"
  • の - particle in Japanese that indicates possession or relationship
  • 数値 - Japanese word meaning "numerical value"
  • は - particle in Japanese that indicates the topic of the sentence
  • 減少 - Japanese word meaning "decrease"
  • しています - Japanese verb that indicates an action in progress in the present tense


Ninsuu ga sukunai desu

The number of people is small.

  • 人数 - means "number of people" in Japanese.
  • が - is a grammatical particle that indicates the subject of the sentence.
  • 少ない - is an adjective meaning "little" or "low" in quantity.
  • です - is a polite way of saying "ser" or "estar" in Japanese.


Gūsū wa ni de warikireru kazu desu

Even numbers are divisible by 2.

  • 偶数 - even number
  • は - topic particle
  • 2 - two
  • で - instrument particle
  • 割り切れる - be divisible
  • 数 - number
  • です - verb to be in the present


Tasūketsu de kimemashou

We will decide by majority vote.

We will decide by majority vote.

  • 多数決 - which means "majority decision" in Japanese, is a decision-making method in which the option chosen is the one that receives the most votes.
  • で - is a Japanese particle that indicates the means or method used to do something.
  • 決めましょう - is a Japanese expression meaning "let's decide". It's made up of the verb 決める (decide) and the suggestion particle ましょう (let's).


Kisuu wa guusuu to taishouteki desu

Odd numbers contrast with even numbers.

  • 奇数 - odd number
  • は - topic particle
  • 偶数 - even number
  • と - comparison particle
  • 対照的 - contrasting, opposite
  • です - verb ser/estar, indicating the polite form

Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun


Kana: ねんしょう

Romaji: nenshou


burn; combustion


Kana: こうこう

Romaji: koukou


High school


Kana: そうりょう

Romaji: souryou


post; transport
