Translation and Meaning of: 政権 - seiken

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 政権 (seiken) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: seiken

Kana: せいけん

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n1


Translation / Meaning: administration; political power

Meaning in English: administration;political power

Definition: The duties of a national leader or government.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (政権) seiken

政権 (せいけん) is a Japanese word that can be translated as "government" or "political power." The word is composed of two kanjis: 政, which means "politics" or "government", and 権, which means "power" or "law". The etymology of the word dates back to the Meiji period (1868-1912), when Japan underwent great political and social reform. During this period, the country adopted a centralized government system with the emperor as a symbolic figure and the prime minister as the effective leader of the government. The word 政権 was created to describe this new system of government and the political power it represented. Since then, the word 政権 has been used to refer to the general government, as well as changes in political power, such as elections and leadership changes. The word is often used in news and political discussions in Japan.

How to Write in Japanese - (政権) seiken

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (政権) seiken:

How do you say administration; political power In japanese?

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "administration; political power" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "administration; political power" é "(政権) seiken".

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

政治権力; 政治力; 政治支配; 政治的支配力; 政治的権力; 政治権威; 政治支配力; 政治支配権; 政治支配権力; 政治支配力; 政治的支配; 政治的支配権; 政治的支配力; 政治的権限; 政治的権威; 政治的権力; 政治的権能; 政治権限; 政治権威力; 政治権能; 政権力; 政権支配; 政権支配力; 政権権


Words related to: 政権

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: よとう

Romaji: yotou


Government Party; ruling (dominant) party; government

Kana: とう

Romaji: tou


political party)

Words with the same pronunciation: せいけん seiken

Example Sentences - (政権) seiken

Below are some example sentences:


Yatou wa seiken wo hihan suru

The opposition criticizes the government.

  • 野党 - opposition party
  • は - topic particle
  • 政権 - government, administration
  • を - direct object particle
  • 批判する - criticize, condemn


Yotou wa seiken wo nigitte iru

The ruler party is in power.

The party in power is keeping the government.

  • 与党 - ruling party
  • は - topic particle
  • 政権 - government
  • を - direct object particle
  • 握っている - is holding / controlling


Seihen kōtai ga okotta

There was a change of government.

A change of government occurred.

  • 政権交代 - change of government
  • が - subject particle
  • 起こった - occurred

Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun


Kana: ストレス

Romaji: sutoresu




Kana: じゃんけん

Romaji: jyanken


Rock paper-role game


Kana: さいくつ

Romaji: saikutsu


