Translation and Meaning of: 性 - saga
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 性 (saga) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: saga
Kana: さが
Type: noun
L: jlpt-n3
Translation / Meaning: one's nature; custom; property; feature
Meaning in English: one's nature;custom;property;characteristic
Definition: Male or female characteristics possessed by an organism.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (性) saga
性 (せい) is a Japanese word meaning "gender", "nature" or "character". The word is composed of two kanji: "sei" (性) which means "nature" or "character" and "myou" (名) which means "name" or "nickname". The word "sei" can also be used to refer to a person's sexual gender, such as male or female. The word "sei" is often used in compound words such as "seijin" (adult), "seikatsu" (life), and "seishun" (youth). The word "sei" can also be used as an honorific suffix to refer to someone respectfully, such as "sensei" (teacher) or "kouhai" (younger student).How to Write in Japanese - (性) saga
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (性) saga:
How do you say one's nature; custom; property; feature In japanese?
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "one's nature; custom; property; feature" in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "one's nature; custom; property; feature" é "(性) saga".
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
性格; 性質; 性能; 性癖; 性格特徴; 性向; 性分化; 性的; 性欲; 性差異; 性別; 性格検査; 性格研究; 性格診断; 性格改善; 性格障害; 性格形成; 性格傾向; 性格特性; 性格分析; 性格評価; 性格測定; 性格形質; 性格変化; 性格形成論; 性格発達; 性格構造; 性格心理学; 性格的特徴; 性格的特性; 性格的
Words related to: 性
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: いせい
Romaji: isei
the opposite sex
Kana: りせい
Romaji: risei
reason; sense
Kana: てきせい
Romaji: tekisei
Kana: ちゅうせい
Romaji: chuusei
gender neutral; neutral (chemistry); indifference; sterility
Kana: ちせい
Romaji: chisei
Kana: だんせい
Romaji: dansei
masculine; man
Kana: せいのう
Romaji: seinou
ability; efficiency
Kana: せいべつ
Romaji: seibetsu
distinction by sex; sex; gender
Kana: せいしつ
Romaji: seishitsu
nature; property; disposition
Kana: せいかく
Romaji: seikaku
character; personality
Words with the same pronunciation: さが saga
Example Sentences - (性) saga
Below are some example sentences:
Hige ga niau dansei wa kakkou ii
Men who look good with a beard are attractive.
A man with a beard is cool.
- 髭 - Means "beard" in Japanese.
- が - particle that indicates the subject of the sentence.
- 似合う - verb meaning "look good" or "match".
- 男性 - noun meaning "man".
- は - particle that indicates the topic of the sentence.
- 格好いい - adjective meaning "cool" or "attractive."
Karō wa kenkō ni aku eikyō o ataeru kanōsei ga aru
Overwork can have a negative effect on health.
- 過労 - excessive fatigue
- は - topic particle
- 健康 - health
- に - target particle
- 悪影響 - negative effect
- を - object particle
- 与える - cause
- 可能性 - possibility
- が - subject particle
- ある - exist
Tekisei wo ikasu koto ga taisetsu desu
It's important to take advantage of your natural abilities.
It's important to take advantage of your aptitude.
- 適性 - ability or aptitude
- を - direct object particle
- 活かす - take advantage of or use
- こと - abstract noun indicating action or event
- が - subject particle
- 大切 - important or valuable
- です - verb ser or estar in the polite form
Kami ga nagai josei wa utsukushii desu
Women with long hair are beautiful.
Women with long hair are beautiful.
- 髪が長い - long hair
- 女性 - woman
- 美しい - pretty
- です - is (verb to be in the present tense)
Sansei no nomimono wa ha ni warui desu
Acidic drinks are bad for the teeth.
Acidic drinks are bad for your teeth.
- 酸性の - acid
- 飲み物 - drink
- は - topic particle
- 歯 - teeth
- に - particle indicating target
- 悪い - bad
- です - verb ser/estar in the present
Saikin wa byouki wo hikiokosu kanousei ga arimasu
Bacteria can cause disease.
Bacteria can cause disease.
- 細菌 (saikin) - bacterium
- は (wa) - topic particle
- 病気 (byouki) - illness
- を (wo) - direct object particle
- 引き起こす (hikiokosu) - cause, provoke
- 可能性 (kanousei) - possibility
- が (ga) - subject particle
- あります (arimasu) - exist, have
Chisei wo motta hito wa miryokuteki desu
People who are intelligent are attractive.
People with intelligence are attractive.
- 知性を持った人 - a person who possesses intelligence and knowledge
- は - topic marking particle
- 魅力的です - is charming, attractive
Dokutoku na kansei wo motte iru
I have a unique sensitivity.
It has a unique sensitivity.
- 独特な - "dokutoku na" means "unique" or "distinct".
- 感性 - "kansei" means "sensibility" or "perception".
- を - direct object particle.
- 持っている - "motteiru" means "to have" or "to possess".
Kihin afureru josei wa miryokuteki desu
A woman full of elegance is attractive.
The elegant woman is attractive.
- 気品 (kibun) - refinement, elegance
- あふれる (afureru) - overflow, be full of
- 女性 (josei) - woman
- は (wa) - topic particle
- 魅力的 (miryokuteki) - attractive, charming
- です (desu) - polite way of being
Kekkou wa kenkou ni aku eikyou wo ataeru kanousei ga arimasu
Lack can have a negative effect on health.
Laws can have a negative effect on your health.
- 欠乏 (Kekkaku) - lack, scarcity
- は (wa) - topic particle
- 健康 (kenkou) - health
- に (ni) - target particle
- 悪影響 (aku eikyou) - negative effect, negative impact
- を (wo) - direct object particle
- 与える (ataeru) - give, provide
- 可能性 (kanousei) - possibility
- が (ga) - subject particle
- あります (arimasu) - exist, have
Other words of the same type: noun
See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun