Translation and Meaning of: 役 - eki
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 役 (eki) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: eki
Kana: えき
Type: noun
L: jlpt-n3
Translation / Meaning: war; campaign; battle
Meaning in English: war;campaign;battle
Definition: Yaku means to fulfill a certain position or duty.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (役) eki
The Japanese word "役" (yaku) has various meanings, including "role", "function", "job", and "service". The etymology of the word can be traced back to the Chinese character "役", which originally meant "servant" or "slave". Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include the idea of "work" or "service" in general. In the Japanese language, "役" is often used in contexts related to work or duty, such as in "役に立つ" (yaku ni tatsu), which means "to be useful" or "to serve a purpose".How to Write in Japanese - (役) eki
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (役) eki:
How do you say war; campaign; battle In japanese?
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "war; campaign; battle" in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "war; campaign; battle" é "(役) eki".
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
役割; 任務; 使命; 職務; 仕事; 任せ; 任せる; 任せた; 任せて; 任せます; 任せられる; 任せられます; 任せろ; 任せよ; 任せよう; 任せようか; 任せようじゃないか; 任せるな; 任せるなよ; 任せるなよ!; 任せるんだ; 任せるんだよ; 任せるんだよ!; 任せるんじゃないか; 任せるんじゃないか?; 任せるんじゃないのか; 任せるんじゃないのか?; 任せるん
Words related to: 役
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: やくめ
Romaji: yakume
duty; business
Kana: やくわり
Romaji: yakuwari
part; paper; duties
Kana: やくしゃ
Romaji: yakusha
actor actress
Kana: やくしょ
Romaji: yakusho
Government Office; public office
Kana: やくしょく
Romaji: yakushoku
post; managerial position; official position
Kana: やくだつ
Romaji: yakudatsu
be useful; to help; fulfill the objective.
Kana: やくにん
Romaji: yakunin
government official
Kana: やくば
Romaji: yakuba
City Hall
Kana: しゅやく
Romaji: shuyaku
main part; Leader actor (actress)
Kana: おもやく
Romaji: omoyaku
great responsibilities; director
Words with the same pronunciation: えき eki
Example Sentences - (役) eki
Below are some example sentences:
Suiji wa kaji no naka demo juuyou na yakuwari wo ninatte imasu
Cooking is an important role among household chores.
Cooking plays an important role in housework.
- 炊事 - Food preparation, kitchen
- 家事 - Housework
- 中でも - Among them, especially
- 重要な - Importante
- 役割を担っています - Plays a role
Kanryou wa seifu no naka de juuyou na yakuwari wo hatashite imasu
Bureaucrats play an important role in government.
Bureaucrats play an important role in government.
- 官僚 - bureaucrats
- は - topic particle
- 政府 - government
- の - possession particle
- 中で - among
- 重要な - important
- 役割を - role, function
- 果たしています - perform
Bijinesu wa sekaijuu de juuyou na yakuwari o hatashite imasu
Business plays an important role all over the world.
Business plays an important role all over the world.
- ビジネス - katakana word meaning "business"
- は - topic particle
- 世界中 - an expression that means "all over the world"
- で - particle that indicates the place where something happens
- 重要な - adjective meaning "important"
- 役割 - noun meaning "role" or "function"
- を - direct object particle
- 果たしています - verb meaning "to perform" or "to fulfill", conjugated in the present affirmative
Yōgo wa taisetsu na yakuwari desu
Care and protection are important roles.
Nursing is an important role.
- 養護 (yougo) - care, protection
- は (wa) - topic particle
- 大切 (taisetsu) - important, valuable
- な (na) - adjectival particle
- 役割 (yakuwari) - role, function
- です (desu) - polite way of being
Bouei wa kuni no juuyou na yakuwari desu
Defense is an important role of the country.
Defense is an important role in the country.
- 防衛 - defense
- は - topic particle
- 国 - country
- の - possession particle
- 重要な - important
- 役割 - role, function
- です - verb ser/estar in the present
Jūyaku wa kaigi ni shusseki shite iru
The executive is present at the meeting.
The executive is attending the meeting.
- 重役 - means "executive" or "top executive" in Japanese.
- は - topic particle in Japanese, indicating that the subject of the sentence is "重役".
- 会議 - means "meeting" in Japanese.
- に - destination particle in Japanese, indicating that the "meeting" is the destination of the "重役".
- 出席している - Japanese compound verb, meaning "to be present" or "to participate".
Un'yu gyō wa kuni no keizai ni totte jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu
The transport industry plays an important role in the national economy.
- 運輸業 - transportation industry
- は - topic particle
- 国 - country
- の - possession particle
- 経済 - economy
- にとって - for
- 重要な - important
- 役割 - paper
- を果たしています - plays
Ketsueki wa karada no naka de juuyou na yakuwari o hatashite imasu
Blood plays an important role in the body.
Blood plays an important role in the body.
- 血液 (ketsueki) - blood
- 身体 (shintai) - body
- 重要 (juuyou) - important
- 役割 (yakuwari) - role/function
- 果たす (hatasu) - perform/fulfill
- しています (shiteimasu) - Is doing
Kekkan wa tainai no ketsueki o hakobu juuyou na yakuwari o hatashite imasu
The blood vessels play an important role in transporting blood throughout the body.
Blood vessels play an important role in transporting blood in the body.
- 血管 (ketsukan) - blood vessel
- 体内 (tainai) - inside the body
- 血液 (ketsueki) - blood
- 運ぶ (hakobu) - carry
- 重要な (juuyou na) - important
- 役割 (yakuwari) - role/function
- 果たしています (hatashite imasu) - performing
Gyōsei wa kokka no jūyōna yakuwari desu
Administration is an important role of the state.
The government is an important role of the nation.
- 行政 (gyousei) - management
- 国家 (kokka) - state
- 重要な (juuyou na) - important
- 役割 (yakuwari) - role, function
- です (desu) - verb to be"
Other words of the same type: noun
See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun