Translation and Meaning of: 引き取る - hikitoru
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 引き取る (hikitoru) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: hikitoru
Kana: ひきとる
Type: verb
L: jlpt-n1
Translation / Meaning: take over control; take charge; retire to a private place
Meaning in English: to take charge of;to take over;to retire to a private place
Definition: → Bring from another place. receive.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (引き取る) hikitoru
引き取る It is a Japanese word composed by the kanjis 引き (hiki) which means "pull" or "attract" and 取る (torus) which means "to take" or "receive". Together they form the verb 引き取る (Hiki Toru) which means "taking something that has been pulled" or "receiving something that has been attracted." This verb is often used to refer to the action of "taking" or "receiving" something that has been left behind or abandoned by someone else. For example, 引き取る can be used to describe the action of someone who takes an abandoned pet on the street or who receives an order that was returned to the original sender. In short, it is a verb that means "to get" or "receive" something that has been left behind or abandoned by someone else.How to Write in Japanese - (引き取る) hikitoru
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (引き取る) hikitoru:
[exibir_se_custom_field chave="tipo" valor="verbo"]
Verbal conjugation of 引き取る
See below a small list of verb conjugations: 引き取る (hikitoru)
- 引き取り - Verb form of infinitive
- 引き取る - Present indicative dictionary verb form
- 引き取られる - Passive verb form present indicative
- 引き取った - Past indicative verb form
- 引き取れ - Imperative verb form
How do you say take over control; take charge; retire to a private place In japanese?
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "take over control; take charge; retire to a private place" in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "take over control; take charge; retire to a private place" é "(引き取る) hikitoru".
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
受け取る; 取り上げる; 取り戻す; 取り去る; 取り込む; 持ち帰る; 持ち去る; 携える; 携帯する; 取り寄せる; 取り出す; 取り扱う; 取り交わす; 取り引きする; 取り次ぐ; 取り巻く; 取り囲む; 取り立てる; 取り消す; 取り替える; 取り決める; 取り組む; 取り払う; 取り除く; 取り締まる; 取り調べる; 取り戻す; 取り返
Words related to: 引き取る
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: むしる
Romaji: mushiru
rip out; to choose; to tear apart
Kana: とりだす
Romaji: toridasu
to remove; to product; to choose
Words with the same pronunciation: ひきとる hikitoru
Example Sentences - (引き取る) hikitoru
Below are some example sentences:
Other words of the same type: verb
See other words from our dictionary that are also: verb