Translation and Meaning of: 差し掛かる - sashikakaru

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 差し掛かる (sashikakaru) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: sashikakaru

Kana: さしかかる

Type: verb

L: jlpt-n1


Translation / Meaning: approach; come close to; approach.

Meaning in English: to come near to;to approach

Definition: It's coming.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (差し掛かる) sashikakaru

掛かる掛かる It is a Japanese word composed of two kanjis: 差し (sashi) which means "extend" or "put" and 掛かる (kakaru) which means "getting stuck" or "being involved". Together they form the verb 差し掛かる (sashikakaru) that can be translated as "being about to arrive" or "being halfway". This word is often used to describe a situation where someone is about to reach a certain place or halfway to get there. For example, if someone is walking toward a house and is about to get there, this person can say "私はに差し掛かっいます" (Watashi wa ie ni sashikatte iMasu) which means "I'm about to get home" . Kanji 差し (sashi) can also be used in other Japanese words, such as 差し出す (sashidas) which means "extending" or "offering" and 差し支える (sashitsukaeru) which means "prevent" or "obstruct". Kanji 掛かる (Kakaru) is used in other Japanese words like 掛ける (Kakeru) which means "hang" or "put up" and 掛け算 (kakezan) which means "multiplication".

How to Write in Japanese - (差し掛かる) sashikakaru

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (差し掛かる) sashikakaru:

Verbal conjugation of 差し掛かる

See below a small list of verb conjugations: 差し掛かる (sashikakaru)

  • 差し掛かる - Basic shape
  • 差し掛かります - Polite form
  • 差し掛ける - Potential form
  • 差し掛かった - Passed form

How do you say approach; come close to; approach. In japanese?

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "approach; come close to; approach." in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "approach; come close to; approach." é "(差し掛かる) sashikakaru".

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

迫る; 近づく; 差し迫る; 近付く


Words related to: 差し掛かる

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: いっそう

Romaji: issou


a lot more; further; more and more

Words with the same pronunciation: さしかかる sashikakaru

Example Sentences - (差し掛かる) sashikakaru

Below are some example sentences:

Other words of the same type: verb

See other words from our dictionary that are also: verb


Kana: ねっする

Romaji: nessuru




Kana: たずねる

Romaji: tazuneru


ask; to ask


Kana: つとまる

Romaji: tsutomaru


be suitable; be equal to; work properly
