Translation and Meaning of: 制 - sei

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 制 (sei) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: sei

Kana: せい

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n1

Translation / Meaning: system; organization; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restriction; retention; establishment

Meaning in English: system;organization;imperial command;laws;regulation;control;government;suppression;restraint;holding back;establishment

Definition: To be regulated by rules or laws.

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (制) sei

The Japanese word 制 (se) has its origin in the Chinese language and means "government", "control" or "regulation". It is composed of the characters 刀 (tou), which means "sword", and 制 (sei), which means "rule" or "law". Together, these characters represent the idea of "governing with a sword", that is, imposing rules and regulations in a firm and authoritarian manner. In the Japanese language, the word 制 is commonly used in contexts related to politics, economy, and public administration, indicating the authority and power of control exercised by the government or other institutions.

How to Write in Japanese - (制) sei

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (制) sei:

How do you say system; organization; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restriction; retention; establishment In japanese?

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "system; organization; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restriction; retention; establishment" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "system; organization; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restriction; retention; establishment" é "(制) sei".

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

規制; 統制; 指導; 管理; 規律; 規定; 制度; 制約; 制限


Words related to:

See also other related words from our dictionary:


Kana: よくせい

Romaji: yokusei




Kana: とうせい

Romaji: tousei


regulation; control


Kana: たいせい

Romaji: taisei


order; system; structure; settings; organization; organization


Kana: せんせい

Romaji: sensei


Despotism; autocracy


Kana: せいふく

Romaji: seifuku




Kana: せいやく

Romaji: seiyaku


limitation; restriction; condition; restrictions


Kana: せいする

Romaji: seisuru


to control; to command; to get the best of


Kana: せいてい

Romaji: seitei


promulgation; establishment; creation


Kana: せいど

Romaji: seido


system; institution; organization


Kana: せいげん

Romaji: seigen


restriction; containment; limitation

Words with the same pronunciation: せい sei

Example Sentences - (制) sei

Below are some example sentences:


Kisei wa hitsuyou na baai ga arimasu

Regulation is necessary in some cases.

Regulation may be necessary.

  • 規制 (kisei) - Regulação
  • は (wa) - Topic particle
  • 必要 (hitsuyou) - Necessary
  • な (na) - Particle indicating adjective
  • 場合 (baai) - Case
  • が (ga) - Subject particle
  • あります (arimasu) - Verb "to have" as in exist


Tōsei wa kokka no antei ni hitsuyōna yōso desu

Control is a necessary element for the stability of a nation.

Control is a necessary element of nation stability.

  • 統制 - control, regulation
  • は - topic particle
  • 国家 - state, nation
  • の - possession particle
  • 安定 - stability
  • に - target particle
  • 必要 - required
  • な - attribute particle
  • 要素 - element
  • です - verb to be


Watashitachi wa kaikyū seido o haishi suru hitsuyō ga aru to shinjite imasu

We believe we need to abolish the class system.

  • 私たちは - We
  • 階級制度 - class system
  • を - object particle
  • 廃止する - abolish
  • 必要がある - be necessary
  • と - quote particle
  • 信じています - believe


Yokusei suru koto wa jiko seigyo no juuyou na youso desu

Exercising control is an important element of self-control.

Control is an important factor in self-control.

  • 抑制する - Verb that means "inhibit", "repress", "control".
  • こと - noun meaning "thing", "fact"
  • は - particle that marks the theme of the sentence
  • 自己制御 - Compound noun that means "self-control", "self-discipline".
  • の - particle indicating possession or relationship
  • 重要な - adjective meaning "important"
  • 要素 - noun that means "element", "component"
  • です - verb indicating "to be" or "to exist" in a polite form


Seigen jikan ga arimasu

There is a time limit.

There is a time limit.

  • 制限時間 - time limit
  • が - subject particle
  • あります - verb "exist" in polite form


Kono seido wa kōsei de aru to shinjiteimasu

I believe this system is fair.

  • この制度 - This policy/system
  • は - Topic particle
  • 公正 - Justo/imparcial
  • である - To be
  • と - Quote particle
  • 信じています - Acredito


Taisei wo totonoeru hitsuyou ga aru

It is necessary to establish a system.

It is necessary to prepare the system.

  • 体制 - means "system" or "structure" in Japanese.
  • を - object particle in Japanese, indicating that "体制" is the object of the sentence.
  • 整える - verb that means "adjust" or "organize" in Japanese.
  • 必要 - Adjective meaning "necessary" or "essential" in Japanese.
  • が - Subject particle in Japanese, indicating that "必要" is the subject of the sentence.
  • ある - verb meaning "to exist" or "to have" in Japanese, indicating that the action of "整える" is necessary.


Seitei suru koto wa juuyou desu

It is important to establish policies.

It is important to establish.

  • 制定すること - It means "establish" or "create a policy/law/regulation".
  • は - grammatical particle that indicates the topic of the sentence.
  • 重要です - It means "it is important".


Senshoku shugi wa minshu shugi to wa taikyoku ni aru

Despotism is opposite to democracy.

The tube is the opposite of democracy.

  • 専制主義 - political system in which power is exercised in an absolute way by a single person or group
  • 民主主義 - political system in which power is exercised by the people, through elections and popular participation
  • 対極 - opposite, contrary
  • にある - to be in, to be present in


Kanojo wa jibun no kanjou o seisuru koto ga dekiru

She can control her emotions.

She can control her emotions.

  • 彼女 (kanojo) - she
  • は (wa) - topic particle
  • 自分 (jibun) - yourself
  • の (no) - possession particle
  • 感情 (kanjou) - emotion
  • を (wo) - direct object particle
  • 制する (seisuru) - to control
  • ことができる (koto ga dekiru) - be able to

Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun


Kana: しゃめん

Romaji: shamen


inclination; sloping surface; chamfer


Kana: しんちょう

Romaji: shinchou


discretion; prudence


Kana: さしみ

Romaji: sashimi


sliced raw fish
