Translation and Meaning of: 倒れる - taoreru
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 倒れる (taoreru) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: taoreru
Kana: たおれる
Type: verb
L: jlpt-n4
Translation / Meaning: collapse; to break; bankrupt; to fall; to fall; to die; succumb to; to faint; to be ruined; have a bad debt.
Meaning in English: to collapse;to break down;to go bankrupt;to fall;to drop;to die;to succumb to;to fall senseless;to be ruined;to have a bad debt
Definition: A person or object collapses and falls to the ground.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (倒れる) taoreru
The word "たおれる" (taoreru), represented by the kanji 倒れる, means "to fall," "to collapse," or "to faint." It is an intransitive verb that describes the act of something or someone losing balance and toppling over, whether due to a physical or figurative cause. The use of this term is very common in everyday life, describing situations like a person fainting from exhaustion or a tree falling in a storm.
Etymologically, "たおれる" comes from the Japanese root "たお" (tao), which relates to the act of collapsing, followed by the ending "れる" (reru), which indicates an intransitive verb. The kanji 倒 is composed of two elements: "人" (nin), representing a person, and "到" (tou), which can mean something like "to reach a destination," suggesting the idea of a person or thing that reaches the ground, falling.
The verb "たおれる" is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, it can describe the collapse of a building after an earthquake or the fainting of a person due to extreme heat. In a figurative sense, it is also used to refer to the fall of institutions or systems, such as "会社が倒れる" (kaisha ga taoreru), which means "the company has gone bankrupt." This flexibility makes "taoreru" a key word in Japanese vocabulary, both in everyday situations and in more dramatic descriptions.
How to Write in Japanese - (倒れる) taoreru
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (倒れる) taoreru:
[exibir_se_custom_field chave="tipo" valor="verbo"]
Verbal conjugation of 倒れる
See below a small list of verb conjugations: 倒れる (taoreru)
- 倒れた - past
- 倒れている - gift
- 倒れます - Future
- 倒れよう - conditional
- 倒れました - educated past
- 倒れています - polite gift
- 倒れましょう - Educated Future
- 倒れるな - affirmative imperative
- 倒れない - negative
How do you say collapse; to break; bankrupt; to fall; to fall; to die; succumb to; to faint; to be ruined; have a bad debt. In japanese?
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "collapse; to break; bankrupt; to fall; to fall; to die; succumb to; to faint; to be ruined; have a bad debt." in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "collapse; to break; bankrupt; to fall; to fall; to die; succumb to; to faint; to be ruined; have a bad debt." é "(倒れる) taoreru".
See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:
倒れる; 転ぶ; 傾く; 崩れる; 倒す; 落ちる; 倒れこむ; 転がる; 転落する; 転げる; 転覆する; 滑る; 転倒する; 倒れ込む; ひっくり返る; ひっくりかえる; ひっくり回る; ひっくり返す; くつがえる; 転び込む; 転びかける; 転びそうになる; 転び落ちる; 転ばす; 転ばせる; 転ばぬ先の杖;
Words related to: 倒れる
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: ひっくりかえる
Romaji: hikkurikaeru
be knocked down; to be upset; to tear down; be reversed
Kana: つぶれる
Romaji: tsubureru
be crushed; go bankrupt
Kana: ついらく
Romaji: tsuiraku
falling down; beating
Kana: ころぶ
Romaji: korobu
to fall
Kana: くずれる
Romaji: kuzureru
Words with the same pronunciation: たおれる taoreru
Example Sentences - (倒れる) taoreru
Below are some example sentences:
Denchuu ga taoreta
The electricity pole fell.
The telephone pole fell.
- 電柱 - electricity pole
- が - subject particle
- 倒れた - fell/fell
Other words of the same type: verb
See other words from our dictionary that are also: verb