Translation and Meaning of: 何なり - nannari

On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 何なり (nannari) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.

Romaji: nannari

Kana: なんなり

Type: Noun

L: jlpt-n1


Translation / Meaning: any; anything; everything that

Meaning in English: any;anything;whatever

Definition: A word that means "anything".

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (何なり) nannari

The expression 「何なり」 (nannari) is often used colloquially in the Japanese language, and its translation into other languages can be somewhat broad, usually translating as "anything" or "whatever it may be." This phrase is employed in conversations to denote flexibility, openness to options, or to allow various choices in a specific context. The generic nature of the expression makes it a useful resource to indicate availability or a variety of possibilities.

Etymologically, 「何なり」 is composed of two elements: 「何」 (nani), which means "what" or "anything", and the particle 「なり」 (nari), which can be translated as a way to express "be" or "become". This particle 「なり」 has its roots in the verb 「成る」 (naru), which means "to become". Therefore, the combination of both terms forms an idea of "being anything that [someone] chooses" or "become whatever is necessary".

In practical terms, 「何なり」 can be found in phrases to offer help, alternatives, or to make it clear that some choice is left to the discretion of the interlocutor. For example, in a customer service environment, it can be used to assure the customer that they can request any form of assistance or product available. In this way, the expression emphasizes the recipient's freedom to decide which direction they want to take without defined restrictions.

How to Write in Japanese - (何なり) nannari

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (何なり) nannari:

Synonyms and similar words

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "A word that means "anything"." in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "any; anything; everything that" é "(何なり) nannari".

Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. "(何なり) nannari":

  • 何でも (nandemo) - Everything, anything
  • どんなものでも (donna mono demo) - Any kind of thing
  • なんでも (nandemo) - Everything, anything
  • なんでもかんでも (nandemo kandemo) - Everything and anything, without exception
  • どんなことでも (donna koto demo) - Anything, no matter what it is.
  • なにでも (nani demo) - Anything, no restrictions.
  • なにか (nani ka) - Something (undefined)
  • 何か (nani ka) - Something (more formal form)


Words related to: 何なり

See also other related words from our dictionary:

Words with the same pronunciation: なんなり nannari

Example Sentences - (何なり) nannari

Below are some example sentences:


Nan'nari to o-moshi-tsuke kudasai

Please tell me what it is.

  • 何なり - anything
  • と - and
  • お - honorific
  • 申し付け - request
  • ください - please

Other words of the same type: Noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: Noun
