Free Japanese Course + Apps

Free Japanese course and apps to learn Japanese are in high demand. But we can say that your search is over, today we will present everything you want!

Learning Japanese has become a Great Need and passion for culture and anime fans. It's no wonder that our website Suki Desu has been teaching the Japanese language and culture for free for everyone for over 10 years. 

There are many free courses like NHK Japanese and paid courses like Japanese wizard. There are methods like RTK, Kumon Method, Spaced Memorization and Anki. There are also apps that support Japanese like Busuu and Duolingo. But are they really that good? Where to start? 

Free Suki Desu Course

Our website has been teaching Japanese since 2014 through Posts and free video lessons on Youtube. You are able to find materials of all levels from basic to advanced. Unfortunately this material is not in the order of an online course, but it's all on this site for free! 

If you are just starting out, we recommend looking for classes that suit Japanese language beginners JLPT N5. Start learning basic Japanese writing on Post below: 

If you have already learned Hiragana, you can study vocabularies present on the site such as verbs, adjectives, nouns such as colors, animals and objects. If you want to go further, we recommend becoming a Suki Desu member to access full video lessons, study tools, artificial intelligence, and remove all ads from the site. 

Remember to bookmark this site, as we already have thousands of articles teaching Japanese, from vocabulary to explanations. we also have a YouTube channel with free video Japanese lessons.

Apps to learn Japanese

Learning Japanese is not at all difficult or laborious, with certas tools you will strive and reach an advanced level of Japanese enough to watch anime without subtitles and read manga. So I hope you like all the apps we've selected in Posts below: 

Suki Desu is one of the Largest Japanese Language Teaching Portals on the Internet, available in more than 10 languages, we have already published more than 2000 articles on teaching the Japanese Language. We invite you to sign up for Our Email List to receive a Free Digital Book and Course when ready below:

We also recommend:

Watch one of the classes on our channel below: