Patience vs. Selfishness - A Japan and Brazil Example

The Japanese are known for their patience and discipline, on the other hand the Brazilians are known for their freedom that results from a bit of individualism to selfishness. How can examining these 2 factors help us become better people? What examples make Japan and Brazil so different from each other?

Why am I writing about selfishness and patience? I myself am an anxious and impatient person and lately I have displayed some traits of selfishness. For this reason I decided to do a deep research on the subject for personal development, and still use this research to write an article on my website.

Without wanting to generate bullshit, Japan is light years in organization and security compared to Brazil. There are many debates and different opinions on both subjects, and one of them I noticed when doing my research on selfishness.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

Probably some will question the article because I criticize Brazilian culture and use Japan as an example. But our site talks about Japan and I'm Brazilian, so we have to follow the good examples and correct our problems. 

I don't understand the mental illness that some people have of wanting to expose something negative out of the matter when we say something positive about Japan. They need to learn to separate things!

Egoists want immediate gratification

From an early age, children currently receive what they want, countries do not teach their children about have to wait or Have patience. They just want to please the child and keep them from crying, but this is really a big mistake.

A university in Columbia tested children's patience by placing them in a room and offering two options:

  • To grab something immediately (food);
  • Wait a while to get double or better (food);
Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

Some might think, it's better to wait to get twice as much, but what if you're hungry? Scientists at the university continued to examine the children into adulthood and came to the conclusion that those who waited patiently for the best performed better in school and were better able to cope with stress and frustration.

Having the ability to postpone what we want is something that is sorely lacking in Brazil. The Japanese gained this skill thanks to their strict upbringing and discipline. We can see this by the organization of lines, cleanliness and the peace that the Japanese have. They literally avoid causing trouble or fights as much as possible.

In reality, worrying about oneself is something natural to human beings. However, when a person's desires and interests become the main focus of their life, many problems occur. Drug addiction and pleasure-seeking are great examples of this.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

How do I know if I'm being selfish and impatient?

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that all Japanese people have patience or that all Brazilians are selfish. In no way, each person is different from one another, but we can identify where a locality or culture presents more selfishness or patience.

We can do this by asking the following questions:

  • Do you often lie to get out of a sticky situation or do you find an honest way out?
  • Do you usually make any critical comments or do you tend to control your tongue?
  • Do you respond to flirtations or cherish your marriage?
  • Do you disobey the law for your own benefit?
  • Do you usually judge others right away without having a full idea of the situation?
  • Should I watch TV or is there something more productive to do?

It is precisely the practice of being satisfied immediately that makes Brazil the great disaster it is today. Japan is far from perfect, but by being patient and not disobeying society's norms for their own benefit, the Japanese manage to make the Japan we know.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

It is obvious that delaying satisfaction or something we desire is a vital skill that brings countless benefits both personally and for others. How many people make mistakes by giving in to pressure or impulse? Most fights that end in death happen because the person didn't have the patience.

Talking is easy, but doing is very difficult.. Every day we are pressured in the environment we live in to satisfy our own personal desires, where we often see no danger. People say: Do what your heart says, but in reality the heart is very treacherous.

Nowadays things have become much easier, allowing a gigantic speed in the fulfillment of our desires. You don't have to be a genius to know that making rash decisions will only drive you down the drain.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

Patience and selfishness in relationships

People run after what they want without measuring the consequences. Young people are wanting to date and have sex without having the head or the ability to deal with all the emotional consequences that a relationship can bring. Often resulting in depression, unwanted pregnancies, children without parents, or even death.

Some complain about the low birth in japan, or the lack of Japanese interest in sex. In reality I just see a lot of smart people who are avoiding problems as they recognize that they don't have the capacity and responsibility to deal with these things yet (otakus).

It is quite visible that the biggest problem in Brazil is families without financial conditions that place several children in the world without being able to raise even one. Thus resulting in young people who get involved with drugs, increasing theft and violence in the country.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

The countless divorces and relationship problems happen because spouses believe that this is the quickest and most practical solution to the problem. Sometimes the problem is in the dialogue or in the person himself. Maybe if they hadn't been hasty in getting married this wouldn't have happened.

It is essential to put the interests of others ahead of our own if we want a good relationship, marriage or friendship. Unfortunately, this has become rare and impractical for most people.

Even though Japan is not a Christian country with its biblical moral principles, the Japanese manage to maintain a moral much higher than the Brazilians who follow Christian religions. Something is really wrong with Brazil.

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Japanese examples of patience

How did the Japanese gain the ability to patiently wait for their own desires or plans for something better to come true? We know it is through your upbringing and culture, but how did you come to this?

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

The work and coexistence in groups is one of the main factors to eliminate selfishness and individualism. In Japan, it is normal for groups of up to 100 students to perform some activity or presentation together.

After many years of studying and being educated at home, Japanese children have acquired the ability to respect the group and calmly wait for what they want, no matter the circumstances or difficulties.

Pride, conceit, individuality, self-centeredness, altruism, greed, superiority complex and other ways of manifesting selfishness, are excluded from Japanese culture and are not accepted in its society. Yes, there are selfish people all over Japan and with high visibility, but you can be sure that their result is not good!

Japanese proverb: The prominent screw is martelado facing down.

Patience x selfishness - an example from Japan and Brazil

In Japan it is not worth being selfish and trying to satisfy your own interests without regard for others. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same thing about Brazil, where corruption, violence and vandalism are ignored and considered normal.

I wish at least a good percentage of people had this opportunity to read and understand the text I wrote. Maybe these good examples from Japan can help you to strive and be a better person!

Examples of patience and selfishness are found all over the world! Just show your intelligence and act the right way. We must follow the good examples and not the bad ones!

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