Japan to invest ¥5 billion in urban railways in Brazil

The newspaper Nihon Keizai reported this Wednesday that a Japanese public-private fund will participate in several urban railway projects in Brazil.

Mistsui, which already has a partnership with Odebrecht, will share its stake with JR Nishi (West Japan Railway) and JOIN (Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corp.).

According to the newspaper, the Japanese fund will participate in the construction of a railroad in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which is under construction, and a subway line in São Paulo, scheduled to come into operation in 2021.

According to the statement from the partnership between Mistsui and Odebrecht last month, the projects should receive around 17 billion in investments by 2020.

JOIN, which is managed by the Ministry of Transport of Japan, will send engineers and professionals specialized in railways to Brazil. It is estimated that the fund will invest more than ¥5 billion (more than 150 million reais) in Brazil.

In addition, other projects are being implemented with the partnership between Mistsui and Odebrecht, which are the VLT Carioca and VLT de Goiânia.

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