How to learn Japanese online?

With the pandemic and social isolation, many Brazilians have become interested in learning new languages on the internet. According to data collected by the GUIA55 portal, between March and April of this year alone, internet searches for Japanese courses grew 214%. If you love Japanese culture and therefore want to learn the language to be able to delve deeper into the subject, check out our tips for using virtual media to your advantage:

Watch, read and listen

Audiovisual is one of the best ways to start getting familiar with the language. No wonder many people can increase their foreign vocabulary just by watching movies and series. So, before starting a formal course, you can watch Japanese productions with Portuguese subtitles. That way, when you start to learn the meaning of words, you'll remember some that you've heard. In addition to helping with the assimilation of information, this also helps with correct pronunciation.

Over time, when you start to learn to write, speak and listen in Japanese, you can evolve and remove the subtitles in English. Doing this with productions you've already watched will help increase understanding and assimilate more words. In addition to movies, series and anime, listening to music in the language can also help a lot.

As you begin to formally learn to write and read, it is best to take advantage of mangas that help in learning. Many of them are easy to read, ideal for learning new words and memorizing the ones you've already learned, and they're quite easy to find on the internet.

How to learn Japanese online?

Use vocabulary fixing apps

There are several apps available for cell phones that are geared towards fixing foreign vocabulary. With them, you will be able to increase your knowledge of the language in a way similar to a game. Even though these apps may seem very basic, using them is very important to learn more words and fix the knowledge acquired through repetition.

Interact with others who are also learning

Through internet forums and social networks, it is possible to find other people who are also learning Japanese. So you can exchange knowledge and start sketching dialogues in the language without the pressure of talking to someone fluent. This helps a lot to lose the insecurity in relation to the acquired knowledge.

As you increase your dialogue skills and vocabulary, you should consider evolving and talking to someone who is already fluent in Japanese. For that, there are also some conversation apps, which connect natives of the country with people from different places who are wanting to learn the language.

How to learn Japanese online?

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