How I Learned Japanese - By Gengotaku


Per Kevin

Neste vídeo/artigo o meu amigo Júlio César Pereira da Silva, mas conhecido como Gengotaku, vai compartilhar suas dicas de como ele aprendeu japonês. Para quem não conhece, eu já escrevi uma matéria sobre esse brasileiro poliglota que mora no Japão e que serve de exemplo para todos aqueles que desejam realizar seus objetivos.

Did you know that Gengotaku has set up its own online Japanese course? Click here for details and to register.

Motivation TO STUDY

The first point mentioned in the video that helped Gengotaku learn Japanese was motivation. Today many want to learn Japanese, but they don't have any motivation, so review your goals and why you want to learn Japanese.

No matter the motivation, it doesn't have to be something involving work careers, it can just be a hobby. As the video mentioned, Gengotaku gained motivation from Japanese martial arts. So it's okay to want to learn Japanese just for the sake of anime.

In the video Gengotaku mentions a very good book called Nihongo no Kiso [日本語の基礎] which means base of the Japanese language.


Sem um grande esforço aprender japonês sozinho pode ser bastante complicado. O Gengotaku recorreu a aulas particulares semanais e logo em seguida fez uma faculdade na UFRJ, conseguindo assim viajar para o Japão em 93 com a bolsa da Fundação Japão.

Studying Portuguese and Japanese is one of the easiest ways to get a scholarship or opportunity to live in Japan. Without this you will be liable to take a more complicated path as I am going through now.

By doing the Mext Scholarship in Okinawa in the year 94, Gengotaku showed to be very dedicated to his studies, being at a high level in the normal grade of the University. Soon he began to show interest in learning dialects. In the future he even did a master's degree in Osaka.

How I Learned Japanese - by gengotaku

Other interesting books that Gengotaku mentioned in the video were the Nihon no Hogen [日本の方言] which talks about the dialects of Japan and a historical book called Kojiki. Unfortunately, I only found Kojiki to share:

É uma história simples, mas cheio de dedicação e esforço, que começou apenas como um sonho de infância. Caso tenha interesse em ver o restante da história do Gengotaku pode ler o artigo que fala sobre ele clicando aqui.

Finally, I'll leave a video of the interview that my friend Roberto Pedraça did with Gengotaku:

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