Does government benefits help or hinder the country?

The benefits of the government help or hinder the country? We are experiencing an economic catastrophe and a growing increase in violence and insecurity in Brazil. Social media has become a huge battleground for political warfare and hatred in Brazil.

As I delve into Japanese culture and study more and more about Japan and other countries, I have learned various things that happen in developed countries. I realized that countries like Japan and the USA do not offer as many benefits and assistance as the Brazilian government does. Why is this a good thing?

Discussing this issue is quite delicate, because it involves thousands of factors and requires advanced knowledge on the subject. I am here just to express my opinion and try to explain why I think the benefits proposed by the Brazilian government have been leading the country further and further into trouble.

Sustain poverty or end it?

Millions of people in Brazil live in extreme poverty, the government tries to help these people with various social projects and things like family allowance and free public health. The idea is good, but the government cannot manage it well, and it is heading towards bankruptcy.

Does government benefits help or hinder the country?

Think about developed countries, most of them don't have public health, people have to pay a health plan that doesn't always cover 100% of expenses. THE poverty it doesn't usually exist in these countries because either they work or they die of hunger (obviously there are millions of other factors and help to avoid this).

Most of the poor in Brazil do not make any effort. They just live in misery and generate more children in the world without any conditions to raise them. While we complain about the minimum wage, these people receive less than 100 reais in social assistance and are happy with it. They don't seek knowledge and live like ignorant in their comfort zone.

Of course, it's not just the government and its social programs to blame. These programs are good and necessary if they are managed correctly. Poverty cannot be ended by sustaining it, this is the great mistake of the Brazilian government. Perhaps, instead of providing this social aid, striving to provide education and employment, these ignorant poor would act willingly or not.

Can't help everyone

The government steals millions of our taxes and wastes millions supporting poverty. Perhaps the simple act of lowering absurd taxes would make it easier for the Brazilian population and also for other companies to enter the country and provide more jobs. A good wage and quality of life would fight poverty much more than giving crumbs to the poor.

Does government benefits help or hinder the country?

Some families have 10 children just to receive more social assistance. These young people end up not receiving a good education and become criminals and ignorant, eventually hindering the progress and security of the country.

Birth control would help the country much more to organize itself. Today, thousands of children are being born with viruses that cause deformities (microcephaly). The government has spent millions helping children who develop this disease.

One day the government will no longer be able to help everyone, so it is cutting numerous benefits. Just take a look at retirement and social security, where many people are not receiving their benefits and the government is making it increasingly difficult due to lack of resources.

Government benefits only get worse

This will never end, because those in power need votes. Unfortunately, many prefer to live off the government's teat rather than being independent, seeking knowledge, and working. Brazil will only improve when it tries to end the population's laziness and improve education, instead of sustaining poverty.

The big problem is that the Brazilian government wants to control and manipulate its nation. The dumber and more dependent Brazilians are, the more money the government can extract from us. The result of this is crisis, poverty, disgrace, disasters, violence, lack of culture and many bad things. We live something similar to the policy of bread and circuses.

Unfortunately, most Brazilians believe that Brazil is marvelous and that the government provides many good things for everyone. And indeed, Brazil provides many opportunities for the rich and middle class to profit greatly from the poor.

The government benefits lead low-income families to live with little and not strive for anything. The poor need opportunities and work, and the very poor need social and educational support, while the entire Brazilian population needs culture! Something that has died in the country!

Does government benefits help or hinder the country?

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Government benefits can help yes!

We are not saying that the government needs to stop helping the poor. Countries like Japan also provide social aid in different ways. There is even a child-raising aid in Japan. Everything is well supervised and organized in a way that does not harm the government and the population.

I really cannot understand the organization of social programs and government support with the population. In addition to thousands of stolen taxes, the government gives money unnecessarily to people like prisoners and even to those who already earn a good income.

Social programs and government benefits can help the population, but if there is no government reform and organization, and if the population doesn't make an effort and get out of the government's teats, the country will only sink further and further. What is your opinion on the matter? We appreciate the comments and shares.

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