In today's article, we will talk about the structure ながら/乍ら (nagara) which is used to express 2 actions/verbs that are happening simultaneously. You can use it to indicate 2 things that you are doing at the same time.
That is, nagara can be literally translated to: while, time, during, all, although and others.
To use nagara, it is necessary to alter or remove the last syllable of the verb conjugation. See the example of the verb dormir, which is 寝る (neru) and becomes 寝ながら (nenagara).
Table of Content
example sentences
Let's learn the meaning of nagara in practice! See example sentences below and try to reason how nagara is applied in these sentences:
Budō o tabenagara gogo o sugoshimashita.
Passing by in the afternoon, while eating grapes.
- ブドウ - grape
- 食べながら - while eating
- 午後 - tarde
- 過ごしました - passed / passing
Karera wa uta o utainagara, michi o aruita.
They walked down the street singing a song.
- 彼ら - they
- 歌 - song
- Singing - 歌いながら
- 道 - path
- 歩いた - walked
Tsuini karera wa yōjin shinagara byōyomi o kaishi shita.
Finally, they cautiously began counting.
- ついに - finally
- 用心 - caution / take care
- 秒読み - countdown
- 開始した - has been started
Kare wa hashirinagara tasuke o yonde ita.
He was running and asking for help.
- 走り - run
- 助け - help
- 呼んでいた - was called
Kare wa itsu datte utainagara shawā o abiru.
He always sings in the shower.
- いつだって - always
- シャワー - shower
- 浴びる - to take a bath
Kanojo wa hohoeminagara iimashita.
She said with a smile.
- 彼女 - she
- 微笑み - smile
- 言いました - said
Video lesson
Finally, we will leave an explanatory class taught by our sensei Luiz Rafael.
Video sentences:
Kanojo ga arukinagara hanashita
As she walked, she talked.
- She (彼女 - kanojo)
- 歩く(あるく)- walking / walking
- 話す(はなす)- to speak
Kinō terebi o minagara gohan o tabete imashita
Yesterday, while watching television, I was eating rice.
- 昨日(きのう)- yesterday
- テレビ - television
- 見る(みる)- to look / to watch
- ご飯(ごはん)- meal / lunch / rice
- 食べる(たべる)- to eat
Okinagara mita yume
The dream I had while waking up.
- 起きる(おきる)- waking up
- 見る(みる)- to look / to watch
- 夢(ゆめ)- dream
Otōsan wa hohoeminagara iimashita
Dad said while smiling.
- お父さん(おとうさん)- father
- 微笑む(ほほえむ)- to smile
- 言う(いう) - to say
Mago wa namida o nagashinagara kotaemashita
My grandson responded while crying.
- 孫(まご)- grandson
- 涙(なみだ)- tear
- 流す(ながす)- to drain / to circulate / to flow
- 答える (こたえる) - answer
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