Before submitting an article or making a questionnaire or voting to send to our website. We recommend watching our explanatory video and some tips and rules below:
Rules and Tips for Writing Articles on Suki Desu
Suki desu articles need to be quality, and they need to reach as many people as possible. See some rules and suggestions to leave your articles accepted to our website:
Before creating the Article.
- Keep in mind a subject and a keyword.
- See if the subject is interesting and deserves to be written.
- Do a little research on the subject.
- Make sure that a similar article is not on the site.
- Don't forget to put a space after commas and periods.
- Remember the English mistakes, be careful with country names in lowercase and etc.
- Beware of the lack of pattern in the articles, let them follow a pattern, instead of making a mess.
- See how we write on Suki Desu, reading several articles and understand how our article standard works.
Requirements for the Article to be approved.
- Not having many errors in English or concordance.
- Be a subject of interest to the site, related to the categories of the site.
- Have at least 350 words and 2 subtitles.
- Do not be copied from any other website, be original.
- Not be an article of translating songs. (If it is complete, avoid)
- We recommend that it is not Japanese articles, unless you know what you are doing.
- Do not format the text with different fonts and colors, you can even use the notepad to avoid.
Before your article is approved, it will be reviewed and edited, and sometimes added something related to the subject to make the article the best possible.
Most important of all: SEO
IF THE is a set of techniques that have as main objective to make the sites more friendly to the search sites, working with selected keywords in the site content so that it is better positioned in the organic results.
If you have experience with wordpress, you can edit your articles in our admin panel, there you will find SEO support. On the contrary, we recommend researching so much about IF THE and Wordpress.
We recommend that when writing your texts, keep the following in mind:
- Avoid more than 300 words from one subtitle to another;
- Avoid that more than 25% of the text has sentences with more than 20 words without punctuation.
- Choose a focus keyword that should appear around 2.5% in the total text, must be in the title and in the first paragraph;
For more details please contact us.