どこ – Doko – Where? – Phrases and examples of use

Do you know what doko [どこ] means? In this article, we are going to see the meaning of doko and some examples of usage sentences, as well as some words derived and created from this Japanese pronoun that means: “where”.

Doko [どこ or 何処] is a pronoun that is part of the Kosoado, and means "where; where; from where". It is a very frequent word in the Japanese language. It can be compared to the English "Where".

Doko can also convey the idea of when, or from what point. Its meaning can change depending on how it is used. It is often used for expressions like everything, nothing and place.

Where is it? [どこですか]

If you are looking for something, you will use the phrase "Doko Desu Ka" [どこですか] which means "where is it"?, and you must use the object you are looking for first (Japanese uses SOV structure), followed by the particle [は] .

Example: Where is the bathroom?

Toire wa doko desu ka 

Read also:

どこ (何処) doko

Usage examples of どこ (何処) Doko

Where are you now? (inf)今どこにいるの?ima doko ni iru no?
Where are you now? (for)あなたは今どこにいますか。 anata wa ima doko ni imasu ka?
Where do you live?あなたはどこに住んでいますか?Ata na wa doko ni sunde imasu ka?
Which team plays tonight?こんや はどことどこが 戦 たたか いますかkon'ya wa doko to doko ga tatakaimasu ka?
Excuse me, where is the hotel?すみません、ホテルはどこですか?Sumimasen, hoteru wa doko desu ka?
(The Hotel) is there.ホテル は あそこ です。(Hoteru wa) asoko desu.
Where is your company?あなた の 会社 は どこ ですかAnata no kaisha wa doko desu ka.
Where is the train station?駅 は どこですか?Eki wa doko desu ka?
Where are we? or What is this place?ここ は どこ ですか?Koko wa doko desuka?
Where does the bus come from?バス は どこ から 出発 しますか?Basu wa doko kara shuppatsu shimasuka?
Where are you going?どこ へ 行き ますか?doko e ikimasuka?
Doko [どこ] Where in Japanese - Phrases and some Examples of using

Other Words Related to doko

  • どこかに - Dokokani - Somewhere;
  • どこかへ - Dokokahe - Somewhere;
  • どこへでも - Dokohedemo - Anywhere;
  • どこにでも - Dokonidemo - Everywhere;
  • どこにも - Dokonimo - Nowhere;
  • 何処 - Doko - Old Kanji, rarely used;
  • どこらどこいら - Dokora (wrath) - Where to;
  • どこそこ - Dokosoko - Where is it?

Have you ever managed to fix that word in your mind? Have you gotten used to using it? Unlike the word where, you can see that its use extends over more horizons. Over time you will get to know all its uses.

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